‘Kingdom’ print


‘Kingdom’ 10×8 print



Title: ‘KINGDOM’

This is  ‘Kingdom’ 10×8 signed mounted print.

I’ve titled this painting ‘Kingdom’ because only in the Kingdom of God can the lion and the lamb be united together. Some of you may know I’ve been part of the Lions Experience over the last two years. It’s been an incredible journey. Seeing people grow and develop their ideas and projects has been so inspiring to see. Not to mention the friendships and love you develop forthe people you meet. My Lions #4 group graduated on Sunday 25th June. I’d been asking God to show me what to paint over the week.

The service at Grace Academy was utterly amazing. We saw some first year guys on the Lions Experience dance… and oh my goodness they were AMAZING. I totally loved being there with this vast array of creativity from song, dance, the preaching and the art. It was a ‘ WOW’ morning.

As I began painting the picture, praying and asking Holy Spirit , I felt the emphasis shift from our original thoughts of what to paint. It still had the lion in, but this time, there was the lamb. Now my immediate response was that of the LION and the LAMB being JESUS. But I felt Holy Spirit give me another angle.

I felt like this was symbolising HIS Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven with us. You see, its unnatural to have a lion and an lamb together in the same vicinity. I felt like God was saying HE creates the diversity, the creativity, the unique and varied flare of people. Together, in the Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, we can live with honour and celebrate each other in our uniqueness and how God has made us, no matter how varied we actually are.

Love in the hearts of man can change the very culture we live in. There really is no room for ugly injustice, hatred and prejudice in any race or culture. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self control are the fruit of the SPIRIT. The Kingdom on heaven is within you. You and I can be the change. We can enjoy and celebrate the differences, the gifts and talents of others. I long to be in a place on earth when the lion and the lamb can be together, love and accept one another in the face of their beautiful and glorious differences.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg

10×8 Mounted Prints, 300 Series, 6×4 Mounted Print, A3 Print