Have you ever been so inspired by someone that when you hear their story your heart aches for them and the situation they face. Well, that happened to me this last week. It’s true that you never know what’s happening behind a smile. I was inspired because of the peace and joy I saw in someone who is walking the walk of faith in the storm. The tangible, visible peace and radiance they have is unmistakable. It is the glory of God upon them. As I sat and listened to her story, my heart welled with adoration and inspiration to see this remarkable yet humble woman talk about her faith to overcome.
The morning of the conference, I was reading my usual bible plan. We were at the book of Daniel. I had a sense of the Lord fighting our battles after reading Psalm and other things that had happened during the previous week. As read Daniel, ( Dan 10;12-14) the bit where the angel had been delayed in answer to Daniel’s prayers because of the spirit prince of the kingdom of Persia. There was a battle going on that delayed Daniels answer.
When I was at the conference I asked the Lord what picture He wanted me to paint. My desire was to paint something that would deeply affect the hearts of those who saw it. A picture that would speak to people and encourage them.
I saw a Lion walking next to a girl. The sense that He was by her side and was never going to leave her. A walk where He will bring courage and protection. Secure in HIS presence no matter where they go. I saw them on a journey together. She feels safe because He is near. She is confident and walks in peace. The Lion is faithful and strong. He is guiding, protecting and completely loyal and protective of her.
20″x30″ Print on canvas