Where He Goes, I Go:Canvas Print


Where He Goes, I Go


A quality print on canvas  12×16

The original was made with water colours and decoupage and acrylics. This print on canvas reflects the beauty of the detail, intricate texture and vibrant colour.

I was genuinely thinking I’d lost the will to paint. But the passion was still there to create. It was just time to retune and hear the sound of His voice on a different frequency.

One more time HE said. Cast your nets again…. . So today I sought Him and trusted the unknown, was lead to Psalm 19:7. The Instructions of the Lord are perfect, reviving the soul.


My new style of art- expressive and textured. She is obedient to the Lord. Like Abraham who didn’t know where he was going but in obedience left the comfort of his familiar surrounding. Hitched up and went. She is obedient to the whispers of the Lord and ready to do and go wherever HE leads.

Additional information

Weight 3 kg