I received an order from a lady who purchased some prints from the web store. I found out that this talented lady bought the prints to give to friends, but not only that, she spent time to listen to what God was saying through them and then write it down, wrap them up and give as gifts. I asked her if she would be so kind to send me some of her writings, and so she did.
Have a read... I'm sure you will be blessed.
Dear Julia,
I have now finished writing my God letters to the Daughters of Destiny Group and the letters and prints are all wrapped up and ready to give as lovely gifts to these precious ladies at the end of September.
I was particularly drawn to your print of Jesus and Her Golden Gown – all I saw was this little girl clutching her heart so tightly to herself and I had these words:
“My Daughter, My Child. What has bruised your heart that you need to hold it so closely to yourself. Turn your face to me and you will see I am waiting; hand outstretched; love extended. Listen Daughter, lay down every attachment to the past, put behind you everything that would keep you from my love. Give your heart to me and you will be free; free to dance; free to be all I have destined you to be. Trust me and you will feel our hearts beating as one. You will be transformed. You will see yourself as I see you – wearing a beautiful, gold embroidered wedding gown; face shining as you lead the procession to where I will be waiting”