Love You Forever-Print


Love You Forever-Print


Someone came to me in the shop one day and said ” Your pictures look religious, I’m not religious. I nearly died. If God was real why did he put me through that?”

“I said God is real and thats why you didn’t die and your stood here !”

She loved poppies and as she spoke I could feel the intensity and the vivid image of the poppies. So I wanted to express this on canvas. I’ve used acrylic paste to lift the colour from the page.

The piece is called ‘Love You Forever’

I felt the vibrance and intensity of the colour would be representative of the impact people leave on our lives. ‘Love You Forever’ symbolises the ripples made by those close to us. Our  hearts never forget and go on loving forever.

Although poppies are renowned for remembrance on November 11th, I wanted to represent joy.  For in the Kingdom of GOD there is no end, and therefore we have nothing to fear. For in the Kingdom we can rejoice that we will see those raised in Christ, again, one day soon.

So today we choose to live life to the full and impact as many people as we can with joy and the good news.


Additional information

Weight 1 kg